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Home » » Federal Extended Insurance Unemployment Benefits Reinstated For Nearly 3 Million Americans

Federal Extended Insurance Unemployment Benefits Reinstated For Nearly 3 Million Americans

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Wednesday 21 July 2010

Democrats succeed in passing benefit bill ending weeks of Republican defiant opposition preventing emergency unemployment benefits to Americans

By H. Nelson Goodson
July 21, 2010

Washington D.C. - Today, the U.S. Senate voted 59-39 to reinstate federal extended unemployment insurance benefits to 2.5 million Americans, bill headed now to House of Representatives for Thursday's approval and then to President Barack H. Obama. Obama is expected to sign it by Friday once it makes through the House.
Congress is expected to release $34 billion dollars to meet economic emergency relief for almost 3 million unemployed workers and their families whose benefits have run out.
The GOP and Republicans had been stalling the apporoval and were opposed to extended benefits for unfortunate Americans. They block the bill three times with a filibuster, until Democrats and two Maine Senators overrode it. But, the Republican minority then stalled the bill for 30 hours, according to the Whithouse this morning.
Senate rules requires 30 hours of debate after over riding a flilbuster, but Republicans could have waived the rule and didn't. The Republicans have previously blocked Democrat aid to states, which could have boosted their economy.
Both Republican Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins from Maine broke party lines and voted to approve the benefits. Only Senator Ben Nelson a Democrat from Nebraska voted with Rpeublicans to oppose an emergency extension.
Republicans repeated actions to stall the benefit bill from passing the U.S. Senate affecting millions of Americans was considered un-American.

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