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Home » » Juan Gabriel Personality At Principe de Paz Church Festival In Milwaukee

Juan Gabriel Personality At Principe de Paz Church Festival In Milwaukee

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Sunday 25 July 2010

Top photo: Hugo Pequeño imitating Juan Gabriel
Bottom photo: Miguel Angel Perez and Puequeño posed for a picture after the show. Perez has been operating Sonido Studio Galerias for 20 years and provided the sound equipment and DJ's for the two day Principe de Paz church Summer festival.
Photos by HNG

Imitator draws crowd to church festival

By H. Nelson Goodson
July 25, 2010

Milwaukee - On Sunday, the Principe de Paz church festival became alive the moment Hugo Pequeño, 38, best known as one of the upcoming entertainers and actual imitator of Juan Gabriel in the Midwest. He is originally from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico and has been imitating the following personalities, Lupe Esparsa, Jose Jose and Rigo Tovar for six years.
Pequeño a resident of Milwaukee since 1998 said, he just naturally developed his ability to imitate famous Latinos from the entertainment world.
Pequeño mimics Gabriel's voice, movements, gesters and his love for get the audience invloved in his performance.
Pequeño no doubt can entertain and is one to see and admire for his dedication to entertain and provide a brief presence of the Juan Gabriel personality in Milwaukee.
Prinicpe de Paz church is located in the 2400 block of W. Scott St.

An Hugo Pequeño video performance: http://bit.ly/apPTRy

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