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Home » » No Evidence Found To Proof Zetas Had Seized 2 Ranches In Laredo, TX, Webb County Sheriff's Office Confirmed

No Evidence Found To Proof Zetas Had Seized 2 Ranches In Laredo, TX, Webb County Sheriff's Office Confirmed

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Monday, 26 July 2010

Sheriff deputies investigate alleged Zeta seizure of 2 Laredo ranches made by callers and bloggers and found no evidence it ever occured, Zeta frenzy had bloggers claiming an "act of war" against the U.S. by the Mexican criminal organization.

By H. Nelson Goodson
July 26, 2010

Laredo, Texas - On Sunday, the Webb County Sheriff's Office confirmed numerous reports by callers, conservative and anti-immigrant bloggers saying armed Zetas had seized to 2 ranches in Laredo's Minerales neighborhood never occured, according to their investigation. Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff reported, on Saturday, at 10:00 a.m. the department began to receive a large volume of calls inquiring about an armed resistence by Zetas with law enforcement officals in the Laredo area and that Zetas had taken refuge in a couple of ranches they have taken over.
It never happened, “the public would be the first to know, if anything was going on. Our deputies went out there and talked to ranch owners in the area and found nothing," Sheriff Cuellar told the Laredo Morning Times. Cuellar did not release any information on how much the presumed hoax cost Webb County to investigate.
The blog reports began when Dan Amato from Diggers Realm initially posted and spread infromation that Zetas had seized two ranches in Laredo as an "act of war." Amato wrote that Jeff Schwilk, the San Diego, California founder of the state minutemen provided the information (tip). Amato said that he believed Kimberly Dvorak from the Examiner.com who reported two unnamed sources inside the Laredo Police Department had confirmed that indeed Zetas had seized two ranches in Laredo.
The local newspaper in Laredo reported on Saturday, a blogger wrote that he got a tip from Schwilk, who said that the Zetas, former enforcers of the Gulf Cartel, had crossed into the United States and taken over two ranches off Mines Road, about 10 miles northwest of Interstate 35, and an armed confrontation followed between the Zetas and the U.S. Border Patrol in conjunction with local police, according to the Laredo Morning Times.
The Laredo Police Department, and the U.S. Border Patrol have confirmed the reports in the Diggers Realm and Examiner are not true alleging Zetas seized two ranches and had an armed confrontion with the feds. Even, the Federal Bureau of Investigation Office in San Antonio refused comments on a rumor.
Dvorak of the Examiner reported, she had two sources in the Laredo Police Department that previously confirmed 100 per cent that the incident occurred, but now it seems the sources have quietly diminished and faded away. It may never be known, if the sources ever actually existed.

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