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Home » » Kamikase Mosquitos Infestation Renders Repellants Useless In Milwaukee

Kamikase Mosquitos Infestation Renders Repellants Useless In Milwaukee

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Sunday 8 August 2010

August 8, 2010

Milwaukee, Wisconsin (HNNUSA) This Summer, the City of Milwaukee is facing a mosquito infestation in 2010, went to several outdoor festivals and for the first time in years, put on Off to repel mosquitos, guess what!, it doesn't work this year. Kamikaze blood suckers. Even, mosquitos have infiltrated restaurants and nightclubs by stinging and sucking blood out of everyone, Blacks, Whites, Asian, Arab, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Tejanos and ect.
Guess they don't discriminate. People scratching, and reacting to mosquitos. Kept dancing and moving at a lakefront nightclub, they left one window opened by DJ booth and mosquitos had a feeding frenzie. ¡Pinche mosquitos!

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