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Home » » Caballeros Templarios Cartel Member Confessed To Witnessing 20 Executions

Caballeros Templarios Cartel Member Confessed To Witnessing 20 Executions

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Saturday 1 February 2014

Unidentified member of the Caballeros Templarios

At least 20 people were killed by "El Calabazo," according to a captured member of the Caballeros Templarios.

By H. Nelson Goodson
February 1, 2014

Los Reyes, Michoacán,  Mexico - On Wednesday, a confessed member of the Caballeros Templarios (CT) was taken into custody by members of the Michoacán Community Self-defense Security Forces (MCSSF) as he attempted to flee the area. The CT member in a YouTube video that was posted told interrogators that he had worked for La Familia Michoacana Cartel, but had joined the CT after La Familia left the area. He had only been working for the CT for six months and was paid $7,000 pesos ($538 U.S.) every two weeks. He worked under "El Chigual" who ordered him to extort businesses and threaten or run people out of town who did not pay quotas. He also said, that he only placed plastic bags over the heads of about 20 victims, all males, but that he never killed any of them. The victims suffered during the tortures perpetrated by CT members, according to the CT member.
The CT member said, that he witnessed another paid assassin known as "El Calabazo" kill between 15 to 20 men. Other paid killers for the CT were identified as "El Camaleon," "El Chaneque" and "La Polla."

The Caballeros Templarios member confession of witnessing up to 20 cold blooded homicides at link: http://goo.gl/mBJ7ny

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