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Home » » Hawkins From Right Wing News Misquoted Republican Wisconsin Governor Walker For Underage Voting

Hawkins From Right Wing News Misquoted Republican Wisconsin Governor Walker For Underage Voting

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Monday 10 February 2014

Right Wing News blogger misquoted Governor Walker about underage voting for former President Ronald Reagan and then recants after 25 days when the Republican governor almost pressured to skip bid for president in 2016.

By H. Nelson Goodson
February 11, 2014

Madison, WI - On Monday, John Hawkins, a Right Wing News blogger was forced to recant a quote from Republican Governor Scott Walker, which was allegedly said in a January 17 article, that he voted for Ronald Reagan to become President. Actually, Walker was born in 1967 and according to Hawkins, Walker was 13-years-old when he allegedly voted.
Hawkins major mistake that took 25 days to recant almost cost Governor Walker the Republican nomination for President. Walker hasn't officially announced that he was throwing his hat for the presidential bid, but he was obviously made to look like he lied or was confessing to committing voter fraud. Lmfao
Why did it take 25 days for Hawkins to recant his article and for Walker to pressure Hawkins to fix the alleged misquote? Now, speculation is brewing that the GOP or the Walker unofficial campaign might have made some political promises to Hawkins. Who knows? 
But, the audio posted of the recorded Walker's interview could have been re-recorded and edited to make it appear that it was the actual recording, some conspiracy believers might allege.
People can be judge or figure out what actually just happened between Hawkins and the Wisconsin GOP governor's circle.

John Hawkins from Right Wing News misquoted WI Gov. Scott Walker (R) of voting for Reagan when he was a teenager. http://twitpic.com/dv57zo

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