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Home » » Rindfleisch And Walker E-mails Released From Joe Doe Investigation

Rindfleisch And Walker E-mails Released From Joe Doe Investigation

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Wednesday 19 February 2014

More than 27,000 pages of e-mails from convicted felon Rindfleisch have been released by judge order.

By H. Nelson Goodson
February 19, 2014

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday,  more than 27,000 pages containing over 5.7K e-mails from convicted felon Kelly M. Rindfleisch, 48, from a John Doe investigation have been released. In 2010, Rindfleisch was a deputy chief of staff for former Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker. 
Rindfleisch was doing campaign work while on County time for former State Representative Brett Davis (R) who was running for lieutenant governor. She was was convicted in 2012 of felony misconduct and was sentenced to six months in jail and three years probation. 
Rindfleisch attempted to block the release of her e-mails,  but later decided not to contest the release of her e-mails. Her sentenced has been stayed, pending the outcome of her conviction appeal.
Many of the e-mails also includes correspondence between Rindfleisch and Governor Scott Walker (R) who was then, a Milwaukee County executive. 
Walker was never charged or convicted of any wrongdoing,  but e-mail correspondence could reveal compromising correspondence between Rindfleisch, Walker and others. 

For copies of e-mails, (PDF) first part at link: http://alturl.com/jv7e8

For copies of e-mails, (PDF) second part at link: http://alturl.com/m7bvn

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