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Home » » 110 Undocumented Immigrants Rescued From Smugglers In Houston

110 Undocumented Immigrants Rescued From Smugglers In Houston

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Wednesday 19 March 2014

Houston police, Harris County Sheriff's Office,  constables and feds rescued at least 110 undocumented immigrants from a home.

By H. Nelson Goodson
March 19, 2014

Houston, Texas - On Wednesday,  Houston police, Harris County Sheriff's Office, constables and federal authorities from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), including U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) rescued a total of 110 undocumented immigrants at a Houston home. The undocumented immigrants had been held at the home from two days to two weeks awaiting payment for their release by human traffickers.
Three of the undocumened immigrants escaped from the home and alerted police. Police took two men into custody as they left the home during the day at 14711 Almeda School Road and three other suspects as they tried to flee from authorities. 
When authorities went into the home, they discovered 17 juveniles, 95 males and 15 females ranging from ages 5 to 47. One pregnant woman was taken to a hospital. All of the immigrants were taken into custody awaiting processing and deportation by ICE.
The immigrants were forced to live in squalid and crowded conditions, The men were made to only wear underwear and shoes from the victims were confiscated by the smugglers, so they wouldn't escape. There was one bathroom and foul body odor filled the home, which many weren't allowed to clean-up or take a shower in hot and humid conditions. Some of the victims had to use plastic bags to defecate in and used pales or bottles to urinate. 
The smugglers were actually starving the victims, since they didn't plan to keep them for long.
Most of the immigrants were nationals from South and Central America and Mexico, according to the feds.

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