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Home » » Facebook And E-mail Postings Get Personal As Nfoque Latino Radio Host And Former Accountant Dispute Wage Debt

Facebook And E-mail Postings Get Personal As Nfoque Latino Radio Host And Former Accountant Dispute Wage Debt

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Sunday 9 March 2014

Zonia Lopez and Luis Rivera

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Business owner, Nfoque Latino radio host and former contractor/Nfoque account manager battle out their differences and money debts in Facebook and personal e-mails in Milwaukee's South side.

By H. Nelson Goodson
March 10, 2014

Milwaukee,  WI - On Sunday, Zonia Lopez, the Radio Host for Nfoque Latino/LaGranD 104.7FM program responded to Luis Rivera's, a former Account Manager for Nfoque allegations. She claims Rivera hacked her e-mail account and got e-mail addresses and reported it to police. In contrary Rivera says, he had access, since he was the account manager. Lopez has since changed her password, she confirmed.
Rivera stated, a Milwaukee police officer called him and only adviced him to file a civil lawsuit claim against Lopez and to stop bothering her.
Rivera contends, that he worked on projects not associated with the radio program, but on Lopez's personal projects. He had also worked long hours for the radio programming and was not compensated for it, which he believed that Lopez would pay him.
Last week, Rivera in an e-mail plea to more than 206 people and in his Facebook account made some serious allegations and went on a personal attack on Lopez's character, but simply had stated that he just wants to get paid a mere $600.00 that is owed to him. Lopez calls it an extortion and says, that she paid him $100.00 of the $600.00 that she owes him and was only willing to give him $250.00. Lopez also admitted that Rivera had been a good worker and was working on commission on certain projects. Rivera says, he worked numerous hours and many days for Lopez, which actually, according to Lopez, she had paid him a total of $600.00, since he first began to work for her.
In other words, Rivera was led to believe he would be compensated for his work, but Lopez says, he was working on commission and doesn't owe him anything until the work that he was doing was completed.
Lopez since has dismissed Rivera and he is just now claiming what he believes is entitled too. Was Rivera taken advantage off by Lopez?, it seems she has, according to Rivera who simply wants his mere $600.
Rivera also posted in his Facebook account a questionable legal allegation that "Zonia Lopez has been receiving donations illegally from Latino Organization around Milwaukee without a 501C3 status."
Wow, what happened to honest and binding agreements between employers, businesses and contractors or consultants? One thing for sure, verbal agreements between parties are recognized by courts in litigation.

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