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Home » » Milwaukee Police District 4 Lobby Used As Craigslist Exchanged For Sold Items

Milwaukee Police District 4 Lobby Used As Craigslist Exchanged For Sold Items

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Monday 10 March 2014

A police station lobby becomes a safe place that is open 24 hours to be used to exchange or make transactions when selling items from Craigslist.

By H. Nelson Goodson
March 10, 2014

Milwaukee, WI - On Sunday, Branden Kerr posted on his Facebook account, "I sold my PlayStation 4 tonight to a buyer from Craigslist. Thank you to the Milwaukee Police Department, District 4, for allowing me to do it in the lobby of their station. It's small actions like these that keep the city safe and deserve more attention by the public and media . Keep up the great work."
In response, the Milwaukee Police Department shared Kerr's posting and stated, "Thanks for the shout-out Branden. We would love it if more people did exactly what you did. A police district is a safe place make your Craigslist transactions and we're always open."
A police department has become a safe haven for Craigslist sellers and buyers when a person to person transactions occurred as long the departments are notified and a request for permission to do it at the station is granted. Most police departments will comply as the Milwaukee Police Department has and hopes more people take advantage of the courtesy. 

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