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Home » » Rick Dyer, The Bigfoot Hoaxter Retires From Public For 90 Days

Rick Dyer, The Bigfoot Hoaxter Retires From Public For 90 Days

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Saturday 15 March 2014

Rick Dyer

Dyer, a known hoaxter has finished his first tour and now is suggesting that someone changed his real Bigfoot kill with a fake one. What?

By H. Nelson Goodson
March 15, 2014

Daytona, Florida - On Wednesday, Rick Dyer, a known hoaxter announced that he will no longer go public for the next 90 days citing, family problems with bonding, crew disloyalty/abandonment, and payroll set back. His two priorities in the next 90 days would be to spent time with his family, which Dyer stated, he almost lost. In the last three months of promotional planning, media interviews, and touring he wrote that, "In the process I almost lost the most important thing in my life ...My Family... In this process I have made some stupid decisions that I regret," according to his Facebook posting. He will now be working to finish 19 pending DVD's of Bigfoot for 19 customers.
Dyer confirmed, that for the next tour, he won't hire "friends or associates" and those that are hired will get a weekly salary.
He attempts to suggest that possibly he was given a fake Bigfoot for the real one. Dyer posted on his Facebook account, "Did they give me a copy of the original Bigfoot without me knowing?" 
During the Daytona Beach Bike Week in Florida, Dyer was forced to drop the admission price to $5.00 to see his fake Bigfoot. Publicly about his farce Bigfoot has gone viral in social networks and Internet and is effecting his promotional campaign. His is lacking big sales of T-shirts saying "Bigfoot is Real." Not too many people or Dyer's fan are wearing them, but the T-shirts could become a collectors item of the biggest Bigfoot farce ever perpetrated by Dyer himself.
At the moment, he is trying to hire another promotional agent for his anticipated second tour. Dyer is now suggesting by pondering the question that Hank, his imaginary first kill was replace with a fake Bigfoot. Dyer could very well test the farce specimen that he has in his possession to see, if in fact, he was cheated and was given a fake Bigfoot. 
Dyer continues to say that he killed a second Bigfoot at the same time (September 6, 2012) he allegedly shot the first one in San Antonio, Texas. Maybe, the second Bigfoot was also replaced by a fake one as well. Dyer should have both fake Bigfoots tested!
He mentioned that in Texas, he made a kill and lots of money, but during Daytona Beach Bike Week 2014, the bikers weren't that naive as those Texans in Houston and in charity events in San Antonio. Dyer claimed at least 70,000 people saw the farce Bigfoot called Hank in two days in Texas, according to Larry Perkins, whose encounter with Dyer in Daytona Beach was posted in the Bigfoot Tracker News blog. At $20 per person in Texas, Dyer probably made an estimated $1.4M or did he? The IRS would no doubt want its share.
Some Dyer critics suggested that he paid about $6,000 for the fake Bigfoot and adding another $6,000 for the second one that Dyer says, he killed. Dyer confirmed, that he paid $12,000 to remodel his Bigfoot exhibit hauling trailer. So far, Dyer has allegedly spent more than $24,000 and additional thousands in other items to promote his farce Bigfoot and was hoping to clear about $90,000 per month. He failed to attract major sponsors for the scheme.
It seems, Dyer is getting into deep debt and might be forced to file for bankruptcy,  since his latest hoax is not cashing in the big bucks that he expected.

Rick Dyer's Facebook response to an inquiry about testing a Bigfoot specimen in the state of Washington.

Update: Bigfoot hoaxter Rick Dyer confirmed on Monday (3/24/2014) that he made about $7,000 within 3 hours in San Antonio, but failed to make $200K in Daytona Bike week and lost backers. He now moved to Arkansas.

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