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Home » » Anti and Pro-Groups Face Each Other At I-94 Overpass In Oak Creek

Anti and Pro-Groups Face Each Other At I-94 Overpass In Oak Creek

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Friday 18 July 2014

Dozens of pro-immigration supporters gathered at the I-94 overpass in Oak Creek to counter protest anti-immigrant conservative groups.

By H. Nelson Goodson
July 18, 2014

Oak Creek, WI - On Friday, dozens of pro-immigrant supporters gathered at the I-94 and College Ave. overpass to counter protest a conservative anti-immigrant group from the state. The Overpassess for America-Wisconsin (OAW) associated with the Tea Party held a rally in Oak Creek in an attempt to stop the transfer of hundreds of undocumented children to Milwaukee.  
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection was seeking area organizations and church charities to help provide shelter to temporarily house unaccompanied children from South and Central America detained at the U.S. border in Texas for illegally crossing into the country. Dozens of flights have been scheduled to deport hundreds of undocumented children including mothers for the upcoming weeks, according to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
The conservative groups began to hold two-day protests around the nation against an Obama amnesty for undocumented immigrants. Apparently, the conservative groups failed to realize that President Barack H. Obama is seeking to pass a bill to make it quicker to deport unaccompanied children and ordered to deport most of the children as soon as possible. 
More than 80,000 of undocumented children are expected to cross into the U.S. during 2014. On Monday, ICE deported 21 children and 17 mothers to Honduras. 
Pro-immigration supporters who outnumbered the OAW favor for the undocumented children to be transferred to Wisconsin, while being processed to be deported.

At least nine Overpasses of America-Wisconsin anti-immigrants showed up at the College Avenue I-94 overpass in Oak Creek on Friday to rally against amnesty for undocumented immigrants and calling to Impeach Obama. Pro-immigrant supporters outnumbered them by two to one.

Update: Another face-off in Milwaukee on Saturday at the W. Howard Ave. I-94 overpass. About a dozen Tea Party anti-immigrants showed up, as well as dozens of pro-immigrant supporters. Video: http://vimeo.com/m/101176906

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