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Home » » Darryl Morin, Interim LULAC VP-Midwest Wants 54,000 Of Undocumented Children To Remain In The U.S.

Darryl Morin, Interim LULAC VP-Midwest Wants 54,000 Of Undocumented Children To Remain In The U.S.

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Thursday 24 July 2014

Darryl Morin, Margaret Moran, Rosa Rosales, Manuel Rendon and Mickie Luna

LULAC has launched a nationwide campaign to allow more than 54,000 of undocumented children to stay in the U.S.

By H. Nelson Goodson
July 24, 2014

Milwaukee, WI - On Wednesday, Darryl Morin, the interim LULAC Vice President-Midwest announced at a Southside community event that LULAC has launched a nationwide partnership to allow more than 54,000 of undocumented children to stay in the U.S. under refugee status. Morin doesn't believe that the children should be quickly deported without legal representation by the Obama administration to their crime ridden countries. The Obama administration is expecting more than 80,000 of unaccompanied children from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to cross into the U.S. illegally before the year ends.
The Border Children Relief Project that was launched as a humanitarian act by LULAC and three other groups, Speak Hispanic, Border Kids Relief Project and Kids In Need of Defense are working to find donors, volunteers and attorneys to aid the thousands of undocumented children detained by ICE along the U.S. - Mexico border and are in the process of quickly being deported by the Obama administration. Most of the children voluntarily turn themselves in to U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents (border patrol) in the Texas border with Mexico.
On Tuesday, the Obama administration deported 13 children and 7 mothers including adults in three full planes to Guatemala, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed.
Morin wants to find sponsors to help temporarily house hundreds of children expected to arrive in Milwaukee from Texas during ICE processing for removal.
LULAC's action to help the unaccompanied children to seek refugee status and avoid deportation is expected to spread to foreign countries igniting another wave of thousands of undocumented children escaping poverty and crime in an attempt to enter the U.S. for a piece of the American dream. Morin and Nancy Hernández were selected as the King and Queen during this year's dinner event held by the Latino Carnival Parade 2014 organizers and sponsorship of LULAC at the Wherehouse Nightclub.
Morin made headlines last week after he resigned from the LULAC National Board due to controversial elections at the 85th LULAC National Convention in New York on July 12. Margaret Moran wouldn't accept his resignation because she needed his support to illegally extend her term as LULAC's National President and three other members, Rosa Rosales, Manuel Rendon and Mickie Luna to continue in control of the LULAC non-profit organization. 
Luis Roberto Vera Jr.who was appointed as Election Judge by Moran decided to postpone the LULAC National elections after getting a TRO in NY ordering Vera Jr., Moran and Manuel G. Escobar Jr., the National Legal Advisor from using Rules 12 to 21 in an attempt to influence the elections. It's the first time in LULAC's 85th history that elections had been suspended at a national convention.
About 825 delegates, including four former LULAC National Presidents took over the Assembly, reconvene and elected Maggie Rivera from Crystal Lake, Illinois as the new LULAC National President who defeated Roger C. Rocha Jr. from Laredo, Texas. Morin, who ran unopposed for VP-Midwest was re-elected, but had left the Assembly along with Vera Jr. and Moran. Vera Jr. told Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) that "there were no elections."
Moran, Rosales, Rendon and Luna have expired their four one-year terms on July 12 and can no longer serve as LULAC National officers as cited in the LULAC Constitution. Rosales and Elia Mendoza, including Vera Jr. as their attorney filed a TRO in San Antonio, Texas (Bexar County) enjoining Rivera and other National officers from taking office and to stop sending out correspondence concerning LULAC election results. Numerous LULAC Councils in Puerto Rico and in the U.S. have come out publicly recognizing Rivera as their new National President and a campaign to oust Moran, Rosales, Rendon and Luna has been launched this week.
The New York TRO hearing is scheduled for Monday, August 4 to see, if Vera Jr., Moran and Escobar Jr. violated the TRO order. The Texas TRO hearing is set for August 1.

Darryl Morin's comments on unaccompanied children being deported at link: http://youtu.be/0u5SU083bew

Update: On Friday, July 25, 2014, President Barack H. Obama confirmed, most undocumented children to be deported, no refugee status for escaping poverty and crime. Obama's statement at link: http://alturl.com/7fi8s

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