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Home » » Thousands Of Palestinian Supporters In Chicago Protest The Israel Attack On The Gaza

Thousands Of Palestinian Supporters In Chicago Protest The Israel Attack On The Gaza

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Tuesday 22 July 2014

Palestine supporters have staged protests in Chicago against the continued bombing assault in the Gaza.

By H. Nelson Goodson
July 22, 2014

Chicago, Illinois - On Tuesday, thousands of Palestine supporters marched along the Citibank on Madison Street in Chicago in protest of the Israel continued assault on the Gaza. Israel began bombarding the Gaza after peace talks failed and fighting among Palestinians and Israelis ignited.
The protests were initiated over the weekend nationally and continued in Chicago today. The U.S. provides about $3B in aid to Israel. The U.S. Senate Appropriation Defense Committee recently approved $351M totaling so far $621M geared for Israel's Iron Dome missile system.
The protesting in Chicago are calling for Israel to stop the bombing of the Gaza and occupation, which has claimed many lives, especially civilian casualties on both sides. More than 100 civilians, mostly Palestinian women and children has been killed by the Israeli bombings in the Gaza.
Pro-Israel rallies have been also held in support of the Israeli government and there actions to continue the bombings of the Gaza.

On Tuesday,  Palestinian supporters in Chicago were counter protesting pro-Israel supporters from the a Zionist organization "Stand with Us" who held a rally in front of the Israeli Consulate at the 500 block of Madison St. around noon. Palestinian supporters staged a die-in as mock scene.  The rallies were peaceful and no arrests were reported.

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