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Home » » 10th Annual Southside National Night Out Celebrated At Milwaukee County Kosciuszko Park

10th Annual Southside National Night Out Celebrated At Milwaukee County Kosciuszko Park

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Tuesday 5 August 2014

Neighborhood residents and local children gathered at Kosciuszko Park with local and county law enforcement and firefigthers departments to help celebrate the 10th Annual National Night Out event.

By H. Nelson Goodson
August 6, 2014

Milwaukee, WI - On Tuesday, more than 1,700 hundred residents and children, including local and county law enforcement agencies and the fire department gathered at Kosciuszko Park to celebrate it's 10th Annual National Night Out at the Milwaukee County Southside park. Milwaukee County Supervisor Peggy Romo West who represents most of the Latino community said during the opening ceremony, that she remembered when recently retired Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department Captain Sylvia Rodríguez was the brainchild of the event along with West. Since then, the Southside National Night Out has been a huge event where hundreds of local residents get to spent an afternoon with police, Milwaukee County deputies and other law enforcement officials including members from the fire department and Bell ambulance.
West also stated, that it is a collective partnership between police, the sheriff's department that makes the event a success and the neighborhood safer. She pointed out, that last year a lot of the mainstream media covered the event after a shooting took place near South 17 Street and W. Lincoln Ave. Law enforcement officials were criticized by the media because an armed robbery shooting occurred close by. West explained, a family that attended last year's event notified her about a known shooting suspect when they saw a news report. West called police and gave them the information that the daughter of a woman recognized one of the suspects who lived upstairs from her. Police were able the arrest the suspect on the same day of last year's National Night Out. She gave credit to the event, which allows neighborhood residents to meet their local police, while developing trust and a partnership to fight crime in the area, according to West.
Complimentary white t-shirts, food and beverages were given out to those attending. A live band, Spanglish and D.J. Ramzilla Monk provided the entertainment. 
This year, kids went to each law enforcement officer to get their t-shirts signed and who ever received the most signatures received a gift from one of the sponsors. 
State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa (D-Milw.), Alderman José Pérez,  Milwaukee Police 2nd District Station Captain Alfonso Morales, Milwaukee County Sheriff David E. Clarke Jr. and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett were present at the event.
Food and beverages including t-shirts were provided by sponsors and community organizations. The event was hosted by Milwaukee County Supervisor West and the National Night Out Committee. 
National Night Out is an event that allows law enforcement and local residents to take back the streets from criminals. The event takes place in communities around the country during the week.

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