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Home » » Photo Of Injured Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson Circulating Among Law Enforcement

Photo Of Injured Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson Circulating Among Law Enforcement

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Wednesday 3 September 2014

Jim McNeil

Wilson allegedly was injured while confronting Michael Brown, according to a still photo circulating among law enforcement around the nation showing him with an injured eye and stitches. But in the photo, HNNUSA learned that it is actually Jim McNeil, a moto driver who suffered an injury in 2006.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 3, 2014

Ferguson, Missouri - On Tuesday, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) obtained a still photo led to believed to be Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, 28, in bed with a right injured eye. But the photo being citculated is actually Jim McNeil, a moto driver who suffered an eye injury in 2006.
The fake photo has been circulated by law enforcement in Chicago, Illinois, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Missouri and other states suggesting or making a claim that Officer Wilson had been assaulted by Michael Brown, 18, before he was fatally shot on August 9 by Wilson. Brown is Afro-American and Wilson is White.
The law enforcement officers circulating the alleged false photo depicting Officer Wilson in bed with an injured right eye and multiple stitches claimed that the media has not covered Wilson's injury and the Ferguson Police Department (FPD) has not released any information about Wilson's alleged injury. The fake photo being circulated through a national underground network by law enforcement officers supporting Wilson, a fellow officer has caught the attention of Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA). HNNUSA obtained the fake photo and decided to cover it as news worthy, since law enforcement officers have been circulating the fake photo among themselves. 
The FPD or the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have not confirmed or denied that it is Officer Wilson on the fake photo and had sustained injuries before he fatally shot Brown.
The Wilson fake photo is contradicted by images and tweeted texts by a witness just moments after Brown was fatally shot. The witness tweeted a photo showing Officer Wilson standing by Brown's body holding a weapon and it doesn't show Wilson's eye injury or any bleeding at all.
Brown's murder sparked multiple protests and looting in Ferguson for weeks. The Missouri governor enacted a curfew and also deployed the National Guard in Ferguson in support of the Ferguson Police Department. 
Media was restricted from covering the protests and confrontations between protesters and law enforcement from different departments deployed in Ferguson. 
The U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are investigating Brown's death and have not made any final determination of the pending case. Officer Wilson is on paid administrative leave from the FPD pending the outcome of the investigation. 

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