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Home » » U.S. Democrats Are Becoming Divided Over Foreign Policy

U.S. Democrats Are Becoming Divided Over Foreign Policy

Posted by News Collection about U.S.A on Tuesday 3 February 2015

Jackson Diehl, Washington Post: Obama’s fight with his own party over foreign policy

WNU Editor: Democrat politicians ... like everyone else in that position .... travel the world and meet the leaders and their representatives from other countries who in turn tell US politicians on what do they think of U.S. foreign policy and strategy. In the beginning of the Obama Presidency there was a certain excitement that things will change .... but after 6 years that "honeymoon" is definitely over, and the lack of strategic vision and direction on what should be the U.S. role in many of the world's trouble spots is not only raising fears among U.S. allies abroad, but they in turn are raising their concerns and fears to their friends in the Democratic party. Expect this break to become even more pronounced as the Obama Presidency comes to an end.

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